
Tablao De la Villa in Madrid

Flamenco en Madrid A place to find traditional flamenco The Tablao de la Villa offers pure and authentic flamenco, in a 19th-century house palace located in the historic center of Madrid. Our tablao is a meeting place for fans and artists, where traditional flamenco art makes its way, in which dance that knows how to […]

Finding Doctor Faust and Alchemical Mysteries (Video)

Hello everyone! We are happy to publish a new StoryTime video recorded during these months affected by the Covid19. We do not run many tours as you can imagine, still, we still keep doing what we mostly love – tell stories! Listen to Liam, presenting and narrating dark tales of alchemists and magicians of old […]

Love at the Castle Stairs (Video)

Mysterium Tours and one of their tellers presente Love at the Prague Castle stairs, As you probably know, in the past weeks we used to perform live stream story time via Facebook, in order to promote ourselves in the hard times of Covid19 pandemic. One of the chosen stories was one of the most emotional […]

Ghost Tours of Prague by professional Actors

Ghost Tours of Prague – Night Tours guided by professional Actors and Storytellers. Ghost Tours of Prague – One of the most difficult parts of visiting an old city is getting yourself orientated. You can often feel lost, overwhelmed with choices of what to do, and what to see. It is especially the case with […]